After spending a day at a friend's house, I decided to get
Gears of War 3 since it made a good impression on me. I haven't played any other game since.
Gears of War 3 was a very pleasent surprise for me. I've only ever played Gears of War 2 for a few hours, and I've never seen the original Gears of War. After learning
a bit about the Gears of War 3 (that intro video is very nice), I've found that the plot and history is well developed and is going somewhere, unlike some other very
average video games.
It surprises myself when I think that Gears of War 3 might even be able to combat
Halo: Reach. In gameplay anyways, nothing really can beat Halo's long and
sophisticated plot.
I greatly enjoy playing on Gears of War 3's Horde and Beast game modes. Horde reminds me of
Call of Duty's Nazi Zombies where you would survive waves of waves
of enemies. It's great that horde mode shares many similarities with Nazi Zombies, as well as having fun characteristics of it's own.
Horde mode, like Nazi Zombies, has a currency that is awarded when you slaughter enemies. The money earned can go toward buying weapons (on the floor, not wall), or
even fortifications to defend yourself from Locust and Lambent invaders. This adds a whole other level of gameplay and planning, and planning is only in games that are
well made. There's even a boss wave every ten waves to spice things up a bit. In my opinion, that kinda beats Nazi Zombies by about a mile and a half.
Beast mode is also very entertaining. Instead of playing as desperate human survivors, Beast mode allows me to play as a Locusts themselves and try to rid twelve waves
of humans. Beast mode is almost like Horde mode, except flipped.Stranded and COG Gears would set up fortifications and defences, while arming themselves with weapons
as well to try to fend off you and your team of Locusts. With a variety of Locusts to choose from, you can choose any character to reflect your personal tastes.
I've also forgot to mention that Horde and Beast mode allows up to five players to be on a co-operative team, upping Nazi Zombies four players. Just saying.
Online matchmaking is truly difficult. I find that whoever is proficient in using the two shotguns in the game generally win each game, though I guess skill will
eventually come with experience. Online multiplayer is very balanced. You team levels are usually split as even as possible, and NPC allies come play with you when
real matchmakers can't connect to your game.
Occasionally, I'd have to wait several minutes before joining a game of any sorts. I have noted that all my games so far are not affected by lag. All my games have run
smoothly so far, and I believe that to be well worth the wait.
I truly am excited to own and play Gears of War 3. It might be a bit hard for me right now, but hey, I'm just getting started.