Saturday, October 29, 2011

Back to Neopia

Just for complete laughs, I made myself a new account on Neopets. I used to be on this site whenever I had free time when I was a child, and I really wanted to see what they've added in my absence.

For one, I truly appreciate the much dimmed down sign up form. It used to to require addresses and phone numbers and a truckload of other personal information. Now, all it wants is an email address and a username. So many congratulations!

Swift604, my new Eyrie Neopet.
Let's see if I remember, start bank account, play Meerca Chase, and get rich.

I see that they've updated their banking screen very nice. I don't see Meerca Chase anymore. I guess it's in the game graveyard isn't it? How unfortunate. Well at least they've replaced it with Meerca Chase II.

And now to get rich.

Sniper Rifle?

Gun enthusiast? Play a lot of video games?

Well I bet you don't know this. There really is no such thing as a sniper rifle. Confused? Keep reading.

Here's a small cut from my article:

This is a small and common mistake people make. If you'd like to learn more about a sniper rifle (sniper's rifle), just visit my article about a sniper's rifle.

Make sure you visit my Triond profile and read other original articles that I've published through Triond.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Runescape's Bot Nuke Brings Peace

One day after Runescape's big macro nuke, all the bots in Runescape have been banned. I don't remember seeing such nice views without my screen full of bots anymore. It truly is a nice view of the game. Here's a sight I've never seen before.

I don't ever remember seeing a sight like this. Wondering what's missing? People. Don't believe me? Check out my mini-map when I was at the wilderness.

My goodness. Even the green dragons' respawn rate has greatly increased, though I think this is only because of the bot nuke celebration. Although empty now, I highly doubt it will stay this way for long.

As I was traveling to other parts of Runescape that used to be inhabited by bots, I traveled to Feldip Hills, where the red chinchompas spawn. Check this out.

Empty! Not a single bot to be seen. Before the update, the land was littered with bots and their traps hoping to get one ore two catches every minute. Without them, the green grass of Feldip Hills look much more cleaner.

Then I traveled to the most spam-filled, bot infested area in Runescape. And guess what I found.

The Grand Exchange's center fountain.

Peace and quiet.

On a side note, Runed Games will likely be filled with a plethora of more money-making guides. I hope you guys enjoy the new bot-free Runescape!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Random Fun Facts 1-5

I've decided to start posting little fun facts I find interesting on this blog. Just relax and chill. Maybe laugh a bit or think about some of this stuff.

Fun Fact 1: Terry Fox's Real Name
I bet you don't know that Terry's real name is Terrance Stanley Fox. Just thought I should throw out there that Terry and I share a similar pronunciation on our first names.

Fun Fact 2: Watching Television is Not Bad For You
Physically anyways. The old televisions had lead in them, and obviously staring at a heated box full of lead for an entire day could be pretty bad. Watching television is now safe. As long as you don't become obsessed with it.

Fun Fact 3: Colonel Jake O'Niall From RuneScape
If you've ever watched Stargate SG-1, then you'll see the similarities between Colonel Jack O'Neill of the Stargate program and Colonel Jake O'Niall from Slug Menace.

Fun Fact 4: What Does Dood Mean?
If you've ever seen a Prinny from Disgaea, then you must've heard it say dood at some point of their phrases. The word dood means death in Dutch.

Fun Fact 5: Titanic and Titanic Movie Cost Comparison
The Titanic move costed almost thirty times more to make than the actual Titanic ship.

I've always wanted to share random pieces of trivial knowledge, and so I will. Keep updated to find more random fun facts.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Is the Ford Mustang Really a Mustang?

If you like cars, then you must know the Ford Mustang.

The Ford Mustang is famous for many reasons, including its speed, strength, and durability, but especially for that silver horse on the front.

Curious? Here's a teaser of my whole article of the Ford Mustang's name:

To read my full article about how the Ford Mustang got its name, click here. Make sure you visit my Triond profile and read other original articles that I've published through Triond.

Mud and Blood 2, Fun Game

I've been trying out Blogger's new dynamic look, and it has been going along fine so far.

In one of my blog's latest articles, I wrote a review about a flash game I like very much. The flash game can be found in many game sites, especially Kongregate. This article is about Mud and Blood 2.

Mud and Blood 2 is a great real-time strategy game that allows you to command Allied troops in fending off wave after wave of Nazi soldiers.

Here's what a part of my article looks like (click to enlarge:

To read my full review of Mud and Blood 2, click here. To read other articles about flash games, click here.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Blogger's New Dynamic Look

I am having so much fun with Blogger's new dynamic template.

A quick shot of my new blog.

I've generally ignored Blogger Buzz's updates, until it's first update on dynamic views. I then started a new blog about a subject I've been thinking of talking about for while now, flash games.

With the new dynamic template, my new blog about flash games is beautifully made with plenty of dynamic features and views. It is very limited with customization options, limited to only being black and white without any gadgets. Fortunately, the Blogger Buzz touched on the subject and said that much more customization options will become available in the near future.

In the meantime, feel free to check out my new blog's first posts.

10000 Gamerscore Milestone

After about a year and a half now, I've finally broken my 10000th Gamerscore! After playing wide variety of games, especially from Halo games, I've finally accumulated enough to have five digits in my Gamerscore.

Amusingly, my latest achievement to bring me this high is Castle Crasher's Traditional achievement for beating the game with any character. I'd always thought that my 10000th Gamerscore would be from something from Halo, Call of Duty, or even Gears of War, but as it turns out my final achievement was an achievement from an arcade game made by Newgrounds.

Well, it'll probably be a while until I hit six digits, but I am determined to get there one day.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Gears of War 3, I'm Just Getting Started

After spending a day at a friend's house, I decided to get Gears of War 3 since it made a good impression on me. I haven't played any other game since.

Gears of War 3 was a very pleasent surprise for me. I've only ever played Gears of War 2 for a few hours, and I've never seen the original Gears of War. After learning a bit about the Gears of War 3 (that intro video is very nice), I've found that the plot and history is well developed and is going somewhere, unlike some other very average video games.

It surprises myself when I think that Gears of War 3 might even be able to combat Halo: Reach. In gameplay anyways, nothing really can beat Halo's long and sophisticated plot.

I greatly enjoy playing on Gears of War 3's Horde and Beast game modes. Horde reminds me of Call of Duty's Nazi Zombies where you would survive waves of waves of enemies. It's great that horde mode shares many similarities with Nazi Zombies, as well as having fun characteristics of it's own.

Horde mode, like Nazi Zombies, has a currency that is awarded when you slaughter enemies. The money earned can go toward buying weapons (on the floor, not wall), or even fortifications to defend yourself from Locust and Lambent invaders. This adds a whole other level of gameplay and planning, and planning is only in games that are well made. There's even a boss wave every ten waves to spice things up a bit. In my opinion, that kinda beats Nazi Zombies by about a mile and a half.

Beast mode is also very entertaining. Instead of playing as desperate human survivors, Beast mode allows me to play as a Locusts themselves and try to rid twelve waves of humans. Beast mode is almost like Horde mode, except flipped.Stranded and COG Gears would set up fortifications and defences, while arming themselves with weapons as well to try to fend off you and your team of Locusts. With a variety of Locusts to choose from, you can choose any character to reflect your personal tastes.

I've also forgot to mention that Horde and Beast mode allows up to five players to be on a co-operative team, upping Nazi Zombies four players. Just saying.

Online matchmaking is truly difficult. I find that whoever is proficient in using the two shotguns in the game generally win each game, though I guess skill will eventually come with experience. Online multiplayer is very balanced. You team levels are usually split as even as possible, and NPC allies come play with you when real matchmakers can't connect to your game.

Occasionally, I'd have to wait several minutes before joining a game of any sorts. I have noted that all my games so far are not affected by lag. All my games have run smoothly so far, and I believe that to be well worth the wait.

I truly am excited to own and play Gears of War 3. It might be a bit hard for me right now, but hey, I'm just getting started.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Naming of the Ford Mustang

Today, I felt like taking a change. Instead of writing about video games, I wrote about a car!

You've probably seen a Ford Mustang before. Have you ever wondered why the Ford Mustang is named the mustang, and why there's an icon of a horse on it? In yet another Triond article, I've written a small article about how the Ford Mustang got its name.

Here's a small cut from my article:

Like many ill-informed people out there, you’d likely think the Ford Mustang is named after the mustang horse. In a nutshell, a mustang is a famous horse known for its strength, stamina, and speed, like the car. A mustang is also known for its untamed freedom. So it’s definitely an ideal image for an awesome car. However, the car isn’t named after the horse.

If you've ever wondered how the Ford Mustang got its name, just visit my article about how the Ford Mustang got its name, click here.

Make sure you visit my Triond profile and read other original articles that I've published through Triond.