Saturday, September 24, 2011

Triond and Nature Runes in Runescape

Several days ago, I signed up on a website named Triond. Triond allows you to publish articles on popular and topic related websites, while paying you a cut of the money made off advertisements and pageviews.

Being new to this site, I started out with publishing an article about something I know a bit about, Runescape. My article describes the impact on nature runes from botting. Triond published my article on a well known video game website, Gameolosophy.

Here's a small section of my work:

After a tedious amount of updates on Runescape, the nature rune market has been unpredictably fluctuating. Now, after the storm has passed, nature runes have been reshaped into an almost different item.

Nature runes are at record breaking low prices. This started when Runescape re-allowed free trade, allowing tradable items to be traded without limitations. This update also unintentionally invited bots - also known as macro programs - to enter the game. For the majority of players who choose to play the game fairly, this sparked an outrage.

The full article talks about how nature runes are being seen today, as well as how they compare to their earlier versions. To read the full article about nature runes, click here.

Make sure you visit my Triond profile and read my soon to be published articles.

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