Friday, December 23, 2011

Just Rambling #1 - Nothing in Particular

Honestly, I sometimes wonder why I even have this blog. Originally, I decided to make this so I can just talk about whatever I want, and I haven't been doing that. So from this day forth, I'm starting a series of "Ramblings" where I can just talk about whatever I feel like.

So Christmas is around the corner. And yeah. Honestly, I think snow has been pretty disappointing this year. I blame it all on global warming of course, but I guess there are more reasonable explanations such as warm air masses moving and something. Whatever. I'm not really complaining, but it feels weird to not see snow at this time of year.

Let's see. Let's talk about the recent Xbox update. I'm loving it quite a lot. I don't care too much for the new layout and theme, though I do enjoy the new "apps" area on my dashboard. Really, I can watch Youtube on my Xbox. How you like them apples, Playstation loyalists?

Talking about Youtube videos, check this out. I've been obsessed with this video. I just love how Russian traditional dances are. These guys make everything seem so easy. When I tried to hop around like that, I fell. And when I tried again, I fell. It was kinda a buzzkill, but eh. I'll practice.

I've also been watching a lot of Zero Punctuation videos. You know, the ones the guy reviewing games that talks really fast and has some sort of accent? Well that's him. Check out that link above here to go watch some of his videos. I found the Halo Wars review pretty funny.

I dunno. I just want to write something I guess. I'm at a point of life where I just want to write like crazy, but I don't really want to write about anything specific, you know? You'll see a lot more of these ramblings in the future. I just wanted to get my, um, feet wet.

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