Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just Rambling #2 - Some Fries With That

This is officially my second rambling. Joy? Of course!

So today I visited a McDonalds. To my surprise, the person on the other side of the counter asked if I would like a medium or large Big Mac Sandwich. I'm not sure if this has happened to anyone else, but have you ever been asked if you would like a medium or large Big Mac? Honestly, it's a Big Mac, so unless big came in two different sizes, I have been living under a rock for the past several years.

And then I went to go select a beverage. So let's see. Coke, Diet Coke, Coke-Zero, Pepsi, or Diet Pepsi? Dunno. All the same to me. I'm surprised people make such a big fuss about what kind of cola they want since they all pretty much taste the same. Some people might argue that Coke is better than Pepsi, or Pepsi is better than Coke, but in all honestly, both are made from the same recipes and both are just competing how well they can hide how many calories and chemicals are in one drink.

Man, I'm careful of how many times I eat at McDonalds. Ever since watching Supersize Me, every fast food restaurant scares me. I can't imagine how people can possibly stuff so many Macs down their throats in a month, but it seems humans apparently have large enough mouths to do so. Good thing I live in Canada. Can't Supersize Canadians can you McDonalds?

McDonalds is one of those places I go to unless there is actually nothing else around me. Sure, there might be some Chinese or Indian restaurants around me at all time, but I don't trust restaurants very much at all anyways, so it's one of those things where when I eat at McDonalds, it's like making a deal with the devil. But man, McDonalds actually tastes horrible. You can feel all the processed stuff in your stomach digesting. Harvey's on the other hand is really what all fast food restaurants should taste like. Everything is fresh! Their burgers, lettuce, even fries are fresh! Unfortunately for you Americans and the rest of the world, it's Canada unique. So unless you live in Canada or visiting, it must suck to be you.

And that's my highlight for today I guess. My stomach isn't exactly feeling so good right now…

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